Header image consisting of two individual images, one in blue with a white bowl and one with sliced grapefruits and brown glasses into which water is being poured.

The table as a stage for experimental design.

Fresh design ideas and surprising perspectives – this is what the exhibition of university projects at Ambiente 2025 promises. The Faculty of Ceramic and Glass Design at the Burg Giebichenstein/University of Art and Design Halle as well as the Faculties of Porcelain Design, Textile Design and Communication Design at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences will be presenting the future of tableware in the foyer of Hall 11.0.


Burg Giebichenstein, University of Art and Design Halle: “AT THE TABLE!”

22 works by 20 students were developed for the exhibition, in drawings, models and studies. On display are prototypes that represent the entire spectrum of the faculty with a focus on porcelain, ceramics and glass. They deal with our eating and nutrition culture, today and in the future. For example: Can we use special ceramics to store vegetables outside the fridge to save electricity?

“Bread pot” for vegetables, a design by Malte Glatzel © Burg Giebichenstein/University of Art and Design Halle

Professor Laura Strasser supervises the project work and is a former Ambiente Talent herself: “It was very important for me at the time to deal with the economic reality of my work through the discussions at the stand. My students are full of anticipation that they will now have the same opportunity.”

Be curious, discover designs on questions such as “What does a dinner service for several generations look like, for small and large hands?” and enjoy talking to the students in the exhibition area.

Design studies in plaster © Elisa Bächle, Burg Giebichenstein/University of Art and Design Halle

Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences: Tabletop & Textile

The breakfast table, the dining table, the elaborate table decoration for a special occasion – table linen and porcelain are inseparable when it comes to table rituals, conventions or tradition. Can tableware and table linen be designed together from the outset? To find out, students from the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology and the Faculty of Ceramic, Porcelain and Glass Design at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences joined forces. With the help of new technologies such as textile 3D printing, surprising combinations were created, such as the trout bowl on the tablecloth with a plastic wave motif (see cover picture). Ceramic 3D printing was also experimented with for the exhibition.

Serving dish by Alejandra Anchundia on tablecloth with Cameo foam print © Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

For the transdisciplinary work, 20 product designers and seven textile and clothing technicians formed tandems. The Faculty of Communication Design also got involved and students designed posters, invitations, social media content and a website. “The teams didn’t know each other beforehand, but were immediately fired up to work on very different topics such as tradition or gender”, reports Professor Lisa Freyschmidt, who will also be a speaker at the Hospitality Academy during Ambiente 2025.

“Lick Walnut” bowl by Tasja Schober and Celin Pohl with matching table linen design © Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

“Radiant serving”

How does experiential gastronomy create a triad of food, vessel and event? A group of ceramics design students investigated this question. In dialog with the star chef and a thematic brief such as “walnut”, they came up with refreshing overall concepts, which they presented in a pop-up restaurant.

“There is an incredible drive among the students to do their best for the exhibition”, says Freyschmidt. She knows the trade fair from her time as a designer at Porcelain manufacture Kahla: “Ambiente is the industry event for new products. This is where young designers meet manufacturers, other designers and future employers. They can talk about the projects and that’s inspiring for everyone involved.”

You want to be there? Click here to go to the Ambiente ticket store (7 – 11.2.2025).


Header image: Trout bowl/Kaja Grebe and Kathrin Holl/ Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Portuguese drinking vessels/Alessa Dresel/ Burg Giebichenstein, University of Art and Design Halle